Switching on to solar heat.

Sunshine is the most clean, green, & reliable energy source. The only problem is: It’s most available when least needed.. and least available when most needed.

Our innovative inter-seasonal thermal storage technology, for the first time, makes it both practical and affordable to achieve zero carbon status for new homes. The award-winning system is fully integrated and can meet a home’s full annual hot water and heating requirements using just solar energy.

Caplin Solar system illustration

Integrated Solar Technology For New Homes

Displacing conventional renewable energy technologies for new buildings, the breakthrough development of a practical and low cost form of inter-seasonal heat storage, the​ Earth Enegy Bank (EEB), has made it easy to store summer-time heat in the earth below buildings for use the following winter.

This innovation is combined with two other renewable technologies to form an integrated system that opens the door to cost-effective​ zero carbon buildings. A hybrid solar array, also known as PV-Thermal or PV-T, enables much more solar energy to be collected than conventional PV or thermal arrays. Its panels deliver four times the energy per sq m than PV by extracting both heat and electricity from the same panel. In winter, the stored heat is extracted from the EEB using a ground source heat pump.

PV-T panel

Solar Energy Collection

Advanced solar energy capture, collecting both electrical and thermal energy, using hybrid PV-T panel arrays.

Earth Energy Bank

Thermal Energy Storage

Our patented Earth Energy Bank, which provides inter-seasonal energy storage within the footprint of the building.

Heat pump

Heat Pump

Energy recovery using a conventional ground source heat pump, within a system that enhances its efficiency.

This multi-award winning system is scalable and economical​ and can meet a home’s full annual heating and hot water requirements using just solar energy.

"Most successful integrated renewable system"

Solar Power Portal Awards logo

Independent research

Since 2013 experts from De Montfort University’s IESD, a world leading energy research institute, have undertaken studies into the technical performance of the Caplin Solar thermal storage system.

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When employed in houses with the appropriate building fabric, our system can give better returns on investment than​ any other combination of renewable technologies.

Caplin Homes specialise in building the most energy efficient timber frame houses. They dramatically reduce heating and maintenance costs and yet are no more expensive to buy than conventional homes.

A Caplin Homes timber frame house

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